Monday, October 22, 2007


So we are teetering on SCD - not quite there yet. If you don't know what SCD is, that's okay. This blog is about me venting and talking about diets that could possibly help my son who as Autism. We're a year in, and we're committed.

This is a new blog that nobody reads, but I've got to start somewhere. We are GFCFSF and I have just packed my son's lunch. It is an apple, sauteed Italian saugage, broccoli, homemade pear sauce, an Enjoy Life bar, a Sigg bottle of water, and Houston Enzymes. When I started, I was desperate to find out what other people "on the diet" ate...

The homemade pear sauce is a pain, but my son loves it and it isn't full of bad stuff, so I am doing it. Sometimes, I just buy organic applesauce from the store, but my little boy loves apples to the extent that I think they might be bad for him, so I am doing what I can. My 195lb husband can't eat four apples in a sitting but my 3 year-old can? That's a problem... Same goes for bananas. One might think me cruel for taking away what my son seems to adore, but this kind of gorging screams something more than hunger.

If I were just staring the diet, I'd be intimidated by the broccoli and sausage I listed above. What I can tell anyone who feels that way, is that last year, we were the kings of soy yogurt, gf pretzels and french fries. It is a process. My son asked for broccoli tonight. A miracle!


Jasmine said...

What type of Enjoy Life bar are you packing? I thought they all had rice syrup and other such illegals. Larabars are good beyond the intro diet, too - dates are pretty high in natural sugar, so you must be cautious :)

Emily said...

The Enjoy Life bars went bye bye with SCD. They were so great while they lasted though! I have been thinking of trying Larabars, but I think they are still too advanced. I have been trying pecan muffins and "brownies" and trying to shape them into snack-like things...They have been hit and miss so far...

Emily said...

Ps, Nuttymeatfruit - I LOVE your blog by the way!
Interesting about the C. diff - my son has antibodies to it so he must have had it when he was little...that's part of the reason that I know SCD is going to be a key player in his recovery.